Air Sledge
Air Sledge - 20T Cargo sledge & Vehicle safety system
The Air Sledge is a modular air-cushioned sledge with 20t load capacity. Making use of the sledge’s floating capability the system can be used for vehicle securing on the sea-ice. In this case units are connected to the front and the back of the vehicle to act as floating platforms. The sledge has extreme low ground pressure and can be used to transport a 20ft container or 2 10ft containers as well as for bulk cargo.
In cooperation with Elphinstone (Tasmania) and Patrice Godon the Air Sledge system was assembled in our workshop and delivered to the German Polar institute (AWI) as part of the equipment used for the international scientific (MOSAIC) expedition to the North Pole 2020-21.
If you are interested in this product, please contact us for more details.